Home Sleep Test

The watchpat 300 home sleep apnoea test provides a quick, convenient and affordable way to diagnose obstructive sleep apnoea. You can give us the clinical information on the form designed by an expert clinician. With that information and the test, which will be done at home and this will all be reviewed by an experienced consultant physician. You will get a written report within five working days of completing the test. The test will be sent to you in the post as soon as you order it on the website and there will be an option of filling up your information about your main issues.You will sign a GDPR declaration for protection of your personal information.

There are 2 options:

  • Purchase the sleep apnea test for £190 and get a written report

  • Purchase a face-to-face, video, or telephone consultation for £350.00. This option provides you with the opportunity to discuss the sleep test with an expert clinician who is a consultant in the field for 20 years.

If there are issues with CPAP you can book an appointment first to discuss everything and have your device , mask and data reviewed and then decide if you need another test.

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